Well Hello - Shall We Introduce Ourselves?

Well Hello - Shall We Introduce Ourselves?

Salaam everyone. Welcome to TSAB (The Simply Adore Blog)

We wanted to add a personal touch to the site by way of a blog. It is an idea that has been in the pipe line since we launched. However as with many things it did not come to light until now. Perhaps though now is the best time for it as our amazing site visitors are at their all time highest.

For this first blog post, I will just answer some of the questions we sometimes get asked on our social media platforms. 

Just a bit about ourselves

So first off, let me introduce the individuals behind the company. Since the launch and up to this point the business has been run completely by a 2 person team consisting of myself (Imran) and my wife (Asha). Depending on how things shape out in the future this may change. We are parents to two lovely young children, our daughter Safiyya who is 6 and our son Zakariya who is 2. 

When did we launch Simply Adore?

The initial launch of the Simply Adore website was planned for May 2019. I had built up a fairly large collection of Islamic wall art print designs before this stage and the website was mostly in place to get the launch under way. However what I found out was that having the Islamic wall art designs was one thing, but transforming what is seen on the screen to high quality prints was another thing. I think many people underestimate the importance of the printing process. It took an endless amount of time to research into the printer and paper combination that I felt would work best. At that time the price factor was one of the major factors to be taken into consideration. I knew I wanted supreme quality prints but I was not sure if my customers will be willing to pay the price for them considering there are cheaper options available all be it at inferior quality. 

In the end I decided that there is no compromising on the quality of the prints. If I was going to launch a product and strive to be the best in the market for it I had to pave the way and set the prices accordingly. This long process meant we did not actually launch Simply Adore until February 25th 2020. 

Why are our prices higher than others in the Islamic wall art prints market? 

This is closely linked to the point I was touching on in the previous question. The printer we went with is one of the best in the market for supreme quality art prints. In fact it has only 1 rival on this level, and opinions are divided between these 2 printers. The printer is a 12 ink colour inkjet printer. This is the highest amount of ink colours available for any printer. Why is this important? Well more ink colours mean the printer can reproduce an endless number of colour combinations that are created in the art work. Our prices take into consideration the cost of a full set of 12 ink cartridges as well as the genuine branded paper we use. 

What did we do before Simply Adore?

Simply Adore was not the first time we were involved in the printing industry. Prior to this we were selling prints on eBay for a number of years, all be it not in the Islamic field. The prices we sold the prints for at that time are much lower than what we now sell them for. The reason for this is at that time we were using very low budget printers, ink and papers. I of course could have used that same set up to launch Simply Adore, but in all honesty I was not satisfied with the quality. I wanted Simply Adore to be about supreme quality prints so everything had to be started from scratch. 

Let's round things off.

So I will end things here. In the next blog post Insha'Allah I will go into our first year as Simply Adore. Some of the biggest challenges and rewards from our journey in Islamic wall art so far. 


1 commentaire

Amani Rashid

havent received my order as promised

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